Effect of nitrogen and zinc nanofertilizer with the organic farming practices on cereal and oil seed crops (Wirkung von Stickstoff- und Zink-Nanodünger im ökologischen Landbau auf Getreide- und Ölsaatenkulturen)
IFFCO Nano Urea (Nano-Harnstoff) Präsentation
Nano-Dünger und ihre Rolle in der nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft
Nano Fertilizers (Nano-Dünger) - IFFCO Experience
Wirkung von IFFCO Nano-Dünger auf Wachstum, Kornertrag und Bekämpfung der Kraut- und Knollenfäule bei Mais
Quantitative and Qualitative Response of Fodder Maize to Use of Bulk and Nano-fertilizers in North Western Plains of India
Conjoint application of nano-urea with conventional fertilizers: An energy efficient and environmentally robust approach for sustainable crop production
Indian Journal of Fertilisers Nano Fertilizers for Sustainable Crop Production, Higher Nutrient Use Efficiency and Enhanced Profitability
Nanofertilizers for enhancing nutrient use efficiency, crop productivity and economic returns in winter season crops of Rajasthan
Sales Promotion and Marketing Strategy of Nano Urea (liquid)
Nanofertilizers for Increasing Nutrient Use Efficiency, Yield and Economic Returns in important Winter Season Crops of Uttar Pradesh
Efficacy of Emerging Plant Nutrition Sources as Alternative/ Supplement to the Conventional Nutrient Sources